Bromma Dashboard

Partner:   Delta Web Solutions
Role:   Interface designer
Year:   2017

Bromma is a company that builds crane spreaders for moving crates needed a new dashboard for their agents.  The old system they were using had terrible Ui that made it difficult to create reports and review existing ones. One of their complaints was that agents would have to fill out these long claim forms that you would have to scroll through just to submit.  It was unclear, to agents, whether or not they were required to fill out the entire form before submitting, or whether they could start the claim with the required fields and continue filling them in at a later time.

A large portion of UX planning and research was done by Delta.  Also, Bromma's website had been updated recently so I had a fresh set of design guidelines to go off of.  I was able to start creating graphical elements and build the Ui Kit directly.  
The entire dashboard redesign took a little under 4 days or so from start to finish.
